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Membership... for people working in consumer affairs, including:


  • Front-line advice and enforcement staff

  • Consumer educators

  • Service managers

  • Policy officers

  • Statutory and non-statutory sectors

  • Regulatory and self-regulatory bodies

  • Individuals in business


‘Consumer affairs’ is defined as:

working to protect or promote the interests of consumers; delivering a compliance or customer service role in a business that trades with consumers.

What are the benefits?


The ICA is an information sharing and support network.


Consumer advisers often work in isolation within larger organisations. For many years the ICA has provided support for consumer advice specialists. Members benefit from speedy communication with colleagues, via icanews, as well as opportunities for networking with other members at training and seminars.

Subscriptions are due in January


  • £5 discount for full members who pay before 14 February 

  • If you joined after 1 November, you don't have to pay a renewal the following January



Our secure newsgroup where members can seek and share information

Other benefits include:


  • Free or low cost training

  • Seminars with high profile speakers on topical issues

  • Opportunities to have input into policy through consultations

  • 24 hour online support where members can seek advice and information

  • A newsgroup offering instant communication with other consumer advice professionals

How much does it cost?


 Type of Membership: 

  • Full Member – applicants who meet the membership criteria. £25 

  • Unwaged – applicants who meet the criteria and are retired or have no income from employment.  £10

Membership: Jacqui King

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ICA Membership Jacqui King

Phone: 01403 754718


Or download an Application Form and return it to

For more information, contact...

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